Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Animal Farm - Poem

There once was a farm like no other.
"Animal Farm" was the name.
This farm was run just by animals,
Though it functioned just the same.

On this farm, all were equal.
The pigs, the hens, the cows...
And everyone worked in harmony
Through songs, commandments, and vows.

But soon the work grew harder
And food was running low.
The animals knew that they needed a leader -
Or they didn't have long to go.

Since pigs are the smartest of animals,
A hog named Snowball stepped up.
His bright ideas gave the animals hope,
From Mare to Donkey to Pup.

Another hog named Napoleon
Hated Snowball for all he was worth.
Their ideas completely differed,
And Naploeon wanted him gone more than anything on earth.

But Napoleon kept quiet,
For he was forming an evil plan.
He wanted to get rid of Snowball,
And take over the power of man.

His plan was put into action
And worked better than he had expected.
He sent his fierce dogs on Snowball,
And he was chased off the land; rejected.

The power was finally his!
And he used it very incorrectly.
The animals were now his control.
And the leadership was his directly.

So Napoleon got what he wanted,
To the expense of others he ran.
A failing farm,
Where there was much alarm,
His power was like unto man....